13 Oct 2013

Why Do Cats Have 7 Lives?

Niazi  /  at  9:01 pm  /  No comments

Many People believe that cats have 7 lives or 9.

What are the reasons behind this myth.

This Myth is true or wrong, Let's see

Image from Wikipedia: http://stockvalues.org/cats-eat-rabbits

As it is stated in in many cultures, cats have multiple lives. In many countries, they are supposed to have 9 lives, but in some Spanish culture they believe to have 7 lives, Turkish and Arabic say the number of lives is 6. The myth is appeared to the natural momentum and swiftness cats enable to escape life-threatening situations. Another point of this myth is that falling cats often land on their feet because of a natural twisting reaction and are able to twist their bodies around to land feet first, though they can still be injured or killed by a high fall.

Cats,quickness, swiftness and quality to land on their feet have known this proverb around for a long time. Have you ever come to know about the origin of this statement? It is thought that this came from ancient times when nine was considered a lucky number because it is the "trinity of trinities". Because cats are lucky when they easily escape death, this quote is fit well for the cat. Another perception is that the cat-headed goddess of Egypt was granted nine lives, and all other cats followed in her fortune.

The Reality Of this myth is so simple.

When cats land on all four paws, the impact from landing on the surface is absorbed by all feet. Moreover, cats bend their legs when they touch ground, which cushions the action by spreading the impact, not only through bones that could easily break, but through the joints and muscles as well.


If you drop a cat from a roof or jumps from a high place it has the unique quality to shrink and modify her body until it touches the earth on its feet four, as they are turn into what looks like a parachute during the fall and help its light weight on it, and has the equivalent speed of the fall of the cat with the momentum of the air from the bottom. When approaching the ground, they have adjusted their body so as to reach on their feet four without any injuries, is also working muscles privilege to absorb the force trauma do not get hurt little. This ability explain What happened to the cat Sabrina in New York, which fell from the floor 32 and landed on their feet with no breaks Sabrina did not shatter any bones all and her cage was broken and the malfunction occurs in one of her lungs but survived simply. At the statistic in one of the veterinary hospitals found that 132 cat fell from the second floor to floor 31, only six of them are severely injured to death.

This is why called that the cats have 7 lives.

So it is now cleared in your mind about this myth, how ever any question and suggestion will be honored.

For your interest here are some cat's names in different countries.

Nestle Purina Pet Care customers in Australia


United Kingdom


Finally, Gallup poll of 1,242 Americans was completed in 1990. The results of all of the above polls are summarized in the table below:
Source VPI 2010[10] VPI 2009[14] VPI 2008[4] VPI 2006[15] YouPet.com [16] BabyNames.com (male)[17] BabyNames.com (female)[17] BowWow.com[18] Washington Post[19] PetFinder.com (Male)[20] PetFinder.com (Female)[20] Gallup 1990[21] Cook County[22] Sun Times[23]
1 Max Max Max Max Tiger Max Chloe Tigger Kitty Max Molly Baby Tiger Kitty
2 Chloe Chloe Chloe Tigger Smokey Tigger Lucy Tiger Tiger Charlie Angel Blackie Kitty Tiger
3 Bella Tigger Lucy Smokey Kitty Tiger Molly Max Max Simon Lucy Samantha Smokey Smokey
4 Oliver Tiger Tigger Tiger Shadow Smokey Bella Smokey Smokey Jack Princess Tom Max Sam
5 Tiger Lucy Tiger Chloe Tigger Oliver Sophie Sam Tigger Sammy Chloe Tiger Shadow Misty
6 Smokey Smokey Smokey Shadow Baby Buddy Princess Kitty Patches

Casper Tigger Samantha
7 Tigger Oliver Oliver Lucy Oreo Charlie Cleo Sassy Misty

Sylvester Lucky Muffin
8 Lucy Bella Bella Angel Angel Simba Angel Shadow Sam

Whiskers Baby Fluffy
9 Shadow Shadow Sophie Oliver Princess Sammy Lily Simba Shadow

Fraidy Angel Tigger
10 Angel Charlie Princess Simba Max Oscar Maggie Patch Samantha
 Source: Wikipedia org.

Here are some images of cat from different countries also

Bobcat,cats, pets


Meow the fat cat.jpgSource

Posted in: , , , , Posted on: 13 Oct 2013


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